Expensive software like Photoshop is not necessary to resize large groups of pictures all at once. Mac OS X’s Preview application gets the job done just as easily for free! Resizing a bunch of images can be a tedious and time consuming…
Spotlight – Mac OS X’s fantastic system-wide search tool – helps find files, launch applications, make basic calculations, look up definitions, and more. Best of all, it can do all that without ever needing input from a mouse. Whether…
Since Apple software such as iTunes and iPhoto uses libraries to organize content, you may think you’re limited to just one per user account. It turns out these programs can actually manage multiple libraries at the same time. When most…
While snooping around iPhoto ’09 I recently discovered a few things I never really noticed before. Find out how to compare photo edits, filter items to be imported, and copy location information. I’m admittedly not an iPhoto expert…
Users of Mac OS X Snow Leopard, specifically those running 10.6.2, are experiencing a widespread problem related to copying directories to Windows-formatted volumes in Finder. I recently got a new USB flash drive…
Although Macs are reliable machines, they are not exempt from hiccups. All you need to do is carry around a single USB flash drive to be ready for situations the require you to diagnose, repair, or experiment with Mac OS X…
It was the most successful year in Apple’s history and MacYourself’s first full year on the web. To celebrate the conclusion of 2009, let’s take a look at the most-viewed articles this past year. You just may have missed a few gems!